Biz shisha tolasi deb ham ataydigan silika tolasi juda kuchli va ko'p qirrali materialdir. Bir qator sabablarga ko'ra bir nechta sohalarda qo'llaniladi. NEW-TEX silika shisha tolasi uzoq vaqtdan beri mavjud bo'lib, birinchi bo'lib ma'lum bo'lgan...
KO'PROQ ko'ringHello young readers. Know what High Silica Fabrics are? Very special fabrics which withstand high temperature without damage. This means they can be robust and effective even under extreme thermal conditions. Other times, these are used to create app...
KO'PROQ ko'ringSeeking China silicone based fabrics for high quality non stick solution You’re in the right place. This is a list of top 10 silicone coated fabric makers in China that you will find in this guide. And this, in turn, will lead you to the perfect fabr...
KO'PROQ ko'ringTop 3 Companies Manufacturing Fire Blankets in VietnamYou prefer to use a good and reliable company when you need a fire blanket. Top 3 fire blanket manufacturers in Vietnam The three companies involved are NEW-TEX, NEW-FIRE and TEXTILE-BLAZE. All of...
KO'PROQ ko'ringSearching for the Top heat resistant fabrics material in Southeast Asia to keep the things safety from heat. Well, you have stumbled to the right place! Look no further than NEW-TEX! We are one of leading provider of heat resistant fabrics in whole r...
KO'PROQ ko'ringTop 5 Super Mats for InsulationNEW-TEX Insulation Mat — quite the champ at keeping pipes toasty. It is built with dense foam, which is great at retaining heat. This fireproof blanketkeeps your pipes warmer for an extended period of time. Also, t...
KO'PROQ ko'ringSilica fabric, as the term suggest, is a special type of cloth which has silica fibers instead of common yarns and threads. It is nothing more and nothing less with this fabric, because it is a fantastic insulator of heat, which makes its use unique!...
KO'PROQ ko'ringHigh silica fiberglass is a unique type of material used for various jobs and industries. It exists in aeroplanes and ships, as well as motor vehicles. This particular material is crucial to withstand ultra-high temperature stability. Its unbeatable ...
KO'PROQ ko'ringDo you want to know how to become a pro in Business Analytics? Well, you have landed on the right place! Whatever you are looking to use the tape for we will help you find it. If you are building something for school, repairing something at home or r...
KO'PROQ ko'ringBiroq, yangi davrda energiyani tejash va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish issiqlik izolyatsiyasi talablarini - muhim mahsulotlar uchun zarur bo'lgan ishlab chiqarishni talab qildi. Shunday qilib, barcha turdagi sanoatda qo'llaniladi, qaerda bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar, barqarorlikka muhtoj ...
KO'PROQ ko'ringHamma joyda yong'indan himoya qilish - bu tijorat binosi yoki uyingiz bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan eng muhim masala. Yong'in yostig'i bunday hollarda foydali buyum bo'lib, u kichik yong'inlarni o'chiradi, shunda odamlar jarohatlanmaydi. Xitoy st...
KO'PROQ ko'ringMuntazam ravishda haddan tashqari issiqlik bilan kurashadigan sanoat tarmoqlari uchun juda mos. Yuqori kremniyli mato mavjudligi sababli Maxsus materiallar hatto 1000 ° C dan yuqori haroratlarda ham o'z kuchini va shaklini saqlab qoladi, shuning uchun ba'zi yuqori silika matolari ...
KO'PROQ ko'ring