Hey kids! Ever been standing in the kitchen preparing a meal when you looked over to discover it was on fire? That can be terrifying and extremely unsafe! Promoted — Which is precisely why we offer the all-important grease fire blanket. We are going to spend some time learning more about what it is and how it can help keep you and your loved ones safe when cooking.
A fire blanket for grease fires is a specific type of fabric that can be used to put out kitchen or stove-top type flames. At times, when we cook oil or butter is used as an ingredient. Over heating will make this combination to catch the fire. When it occurs, it is known as a grease fire. Grease fires can ignite very rapidly and create an extremely dangerous disaster for you home.
However, if you have a grease fire blanket in your kitchen then you can immediately and simply extinguish the flame. This blanket is made up of specific materials that are not prone to catching fire. You also have an extinguisher worthy blanket that you can use to cover a fire and the fire will be denied oxygen. Sort of like keeping the steam in a crockpot lid! The use of a grease fire blanket is one small thing you can do that will make cooking safer and also cleaner for your kitchen!
The grease fire blanket does not look like the blankets you might have in your bedroom or on your couch. It is composed of a special material named fiberglass that apparently does not burn nor melt even it cools any hot flame. Since it can be used without being set to fire, making the perfect extinguisher material. The substance is also water-repellent and the blanket furthermore makes use of a special kind 0f chemical which helps to suffocate that fire more effectively.
The grease fire blanket looks like a regular blanket only it is much thicker. This thickness helps prevent flames from spreading. It also has a metal case for you to hang it in your kitchen wall. This way you will always have it easily accessible for when you really need your fuel! You ought to keep it handy as after all, this is an emergency.
Simultaneously, it is crucial to never use water on a grease fire. To explain, it is like using water to a grease fire but not really—to be honest its more akin to adding gasoline into the mixahn! Also, never attempt to smother a grease fire with flour or sugar. While great ideas right there, they can actually make the fire spread and become more dangerous.
If your grease does catch on fire, try to remain calm and remind yourself not be panicked. Do not attempt to take the fire out of your house with a pot or pan because that can spread and may cause you harm. Instead, grab the grease fire blanket as fast as you can and use it to cover the flames. This will go a long way toward preventing the fire from spreading and ensuring your safety as well as that of others in your home.
Our company is very strict in the quality control of its products, as we are convinced that quality of the product is the foundation of any company. Every item we send is tested for high-quality, and we have a grease fire blanket eye on the thickness and gram weight of each product. We also check the product with color difference to avoid after-sales problems.
Nanjing Xinwei High Temperature Material Co Ltd Professionally produced high-silica fabrics covers a space of grease fire blanket The factory is equipped with four production lines Our production capacity is around 200 000 meters per month and our inventory is large enough to ensure that the first shipment is delivered Additionally we have customers from all over the world and we're prepared to provide the best high-quality service to each and every client
Our company produces mainly silica and super mats. To satisfy the demands of our clients we are able to customize our products using a variety of colors and coatings. We also offer a first-class service. We also have various sizes of grease fire blanket which can be used for high temperature operations, fire safety, and other fields.
Our inventory is kept in a secure warehouse so that we can deliver the product to the customer when they require it. The annual volume of our products could reach 5 million meters, the average time to deliver our products is generally about grease fire blanket days, the delivery speed is quick, for over 3000 customers around the world, and exports to over 20 countries in the world.